Eugo topographic background image.

Making cloud-based Supercomputing Accessible with the First Runtime as a Service

We're on a mission to help data engineers, data scientists, and data analysts reduce development hours to process data and build AI/ML models. Get answers as fast as computationally possible.

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Complex Infrastructure

The infrastructure for supercomputing is extremely expensive and complex. We’ve built the cloud-native infrastructure and optimized it for distributed, HPC, and GPU workloads so you don’t have to.

Undifferentiated Heavy-Lifting

Optimizing your code is important in the lifecycle of an engineer: it’s part of your “undifferentiated heavy lifting.” Focus on delivering your core business value instead and get answers faster.

Skillset & Access Asymmetry

Access to supercomputers is limited to only a select few researchers and individuals in the world, and the expertise required to optimize low-level code is scarce. Eugo is democratizing supercomputing so that both novice and expert engineers can have optimized, performant code, no matter the skill-level or access to hardware.

The Data Explosion

Whether it be scientific, HCLS, natural language, geospatial, or financial data, new data is being generated at an exponential rate. Everyday, data pipelines and machine learning models are increasingly dependent on it to solve core business problems. With so much data, data pipelines and ML models need to be as fast as possible to get results quickly.


The Cloud-Native Supercomputing Runtime as a Service

Eugo is a fully managed runtime to emulate supercomputers. With pre-compiled & pre-optimized libraries that run in a distributed, high performance compute (HPC), GPU-accelerated computing environment, Eugo is challenging the limits of cloud computing. Our platform includes nearly 1000 pre-optimized Python and C/C++ libraries, all vectorized to push the limits of the underlying hardware. Deliver unparalleled data throughput, reduce processing times, and maximize the potential of modern hardware.

Import data

Import and Export Your Data

Ingest and egest terabytes of data onto and off of the platform in minutes. Leverage one of our pre-compiled data connectors like sqlalchemy, libpq, psycopg3, mysqlclient, mssql, s3fs, or dozens of others to read and write data as fast as possible.

Booth swirl contemporary design

Perform Exploratory Data Analysis

Use Eugo's pre-configured Python Notebooks to do Exploratory Data Analysis without setting up a laboratory. Start interrogating your data to discover patterns, spot anomalies, and test hypotheses to check your assumptions. Render graphs and create interactive plots like you would on your local machine.

ETL pipeline sample code

Create AI/ML Models & ETL Pipelines

Build and ship products and models, faster. Create hyper-scalable data pipelines, and train AI/Models at lightning speed. Focus on delivering your core business value without the complex infrastructure.

See it in Action


Discover the Features Democratizing Supercomputing

Write Python or SQL code using your favorite libraries, tools, and frameworks like OpenBLAS, NumPy, SciPy, PyArrow, Pandas, Ray, Dask, GDAL, Boto3, Pydantic, Xarray, Zarr, LangChain, and hundreds more, right in your browser. Eugo was designed to accommodate any workflow and is optimized for maximum computational speed, data storage efficiency, and data access speed.

Distributed Compute

Harness the power of distributed computing without the complexity.

Eugo dynamically scales thousands of vCPUs and terabytes of RAM, effortlessly provisioning resources to match your workload. Whether processing petabytes of data or handling real-time analytics, our serverless infrastructure ensures you have the right power at the right time—no manual intervention required. Unleash the potential of limitless scalability and focus on solving problems, not managing clusters.

Hardware Acceleration

Unlock the full potential of GPU-accelerated computing for workloads that demand extreme performance.

From AI and deep learning to data analytics and high-performance computing (HPC), our platform leverages cutting-edge hardware-accelerated GPUs to process petabytes of data with unmatched speed. Bring your accelerated applications to life with maximum efficiency and scale.


Accelerate your data processing and ML/AI training and inference capabilities with vectorized computing.

Powered by Single Instruction, Multiple Data (SIMD) vector intrinsics, our platform automatically performs parallel operations, capable of processing petabytes of data. Whether you're optimizing numerical computations, accelerating image processing, or boosting AI model efficiency, SIMD's ability to execute multiple operations simultaneously results in massive performance gains.

See it in Action



Consumption-Based Pricing

With Eugo's hybrid tier and usage-based pricing, you're only billed for what you use. Whether you're a startup, a medium-sized business, or an enterprise, our serverless model scales seamlessly to accommodate evolving data storage and compute requirements.

Eugo Data Storage

Leverage cost-effective cloud-native optimized compression in Eugo to store near unlimited amounts of data

Eugo Compute

Compute resources spin up and down automatically, so you only pay for what you use

Eugo Data Transfer

Transfer analysis-ready data off of Eugo to leverage other great tools

Unlimited Compute
Unlimited Storage
Unlimited Integrations
Unlimited Support