Eugo topographic background image.

The Modern Geospatial Data Stack™

We're on a mission to empower data engineers, data scientists, and data analysts to create analysis-ready geospatial data fast and with ease.

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Complex Infrastructure

The infrastructure to solve geospatial data problems is expensive and complex. We’ve built the cloud-native infrastructure and optimized it for geospatial workloads so you don’t have to.

Undifferentiated Heavy-Lifting

Solving geospatial data problems is often done because you have to: it’s part of your company’s “undifferentiated heavy lifting.” Your mission wasn’t to solve hard geospatial problems. Focus on delivering your core business value instead.

Skillset Asymmetry

Geospatial data is difficult to work with, and requires esoteric expertise. Eugo is democratizing working with it so that both novice and expert geospatial engineers can solve spatial problems fast.

21st Century Innovation

Traditional GIS software is antiquated. Our modern take provides needed innovation.

Taming the Data

Geospatial data is being generated at an exponential rate. ETL pipelines and machine learning models are increasingly dependent on it to solve core business problems. By its very nature, geospatial data is messy, and many spatial data problems are not unique. We make working with geospatial data easy with turn-key solutions for both common and uncommon spatial data processing problems.


The Opinionated, Cloud-Native Geospatial Data Platform

Eugo is a fully managed, opinionated, geospatial data platform. Eugo unifies the fragmented tools necessary to build scalable geospatial data pipelines, build complex geospatial queries, and perform geospatial data transformations. We're on a mission to help companies build geospatial applications and intelligent models fast and with ease.

Import data

Import Your Data

Get started with geospatial and ensure you're building with trustworthy data. Ingest and egest terabytes of geospatial data onto and off of the platform in minutes. Crawl, validate, clean, transform, spatially index, and partition your datasets programmatically and on the fly.

Booth swirl contemporary design

Perform EDA

Use Eugo's pre-configured Python Notebooks to do Exploratory Data Analysis without setting up a geospatial laboratory. Start interrogating your geospatial data to discover patterns, spot anomalies, and test hypotheses to check your assumptions.

ETL pipeline sample code

Create ETL Pipelines

Build and ship geospatial products and models, faster. Create scalable geospatial data pipelines with Eugo's pre-installed, High Performance Compute, distributed Python environments. Focus on delivering your core business value without the complex infrastructure.

See it in Action


Discover the Features Democratizing Geospatial

Write Spatial SQL or Python code using your favorite geospatial libraries, tools, and frameworks like GDAL, GeoPandas, PostGIS, Shapely, Rasterio, Xarray, Zarr, PySTAC, and hundreds more, right in your browser. Eugo was designed to accommodate any geospatial workflow and is optimized for maximum computational speed, data storage efficiency, and data access speed.


Data Validation and Cleaning

Have confidence that your data is error-free and ready for inclusion in your application or model.

Problems with raw geospatial data are time-consuming to find and even more difficult to fix. Bring your own data and leverage Eugo's robust out-of-the-box data ingestion, validation, and cleaning pipelines. Designed for petabyte-scale ingestion, Eugo flags and resolves data problems before you get into building and analysis.

Vector Data

Transform your vector data and prepare it for analysis.

Working with vector data can be time-consuming and error-prone. Eugo simplifies handling vector data in various geospatial formats, including Shapefiles, GeoJSON, GeoParquet, KML, WKT, GPKG, and more. Streamline vector data transformation ETL operations like filters, joins, sorts, and aggregations, helping you save time and minimize creating new data problems.

Raster and Multi-Dimensional Data

Transform your raster/multi-dimensional datasets and marry them with vector data to create powerful geospatial workflows.

Working with raster data can be daunting and complex. Eugo supports formats like GeoTIFF, NetCDF, HDF5 and more, so you can easily work with any raster data format to manipulate and create new datasets in your pipelines.

Time Travel and Rollback

Make reproducible SQL queries or easily examine changes to queries. Quickly correct problems by resetting tables to a stable state.

Data and Platform Integrations

Native integrations between services like AWS S3 allow organizations to easily and rapidly transfer data on and off the platform.

Data Catalog and Metadata Management

Understand your geospatial data inside and out. Store and view geospatial metadata like number of bands, points, polygons, and more, for all of your datasets, as you code.

Auto Partitioning

Automatically partition values for rows in a table, and skip unnecessary partitions and files as data is ingested. No extra filters are needed for fast queries, and table layouts can be updated as data or queries change.

Data Lakehouse

Store, query, and transform your geospatial data. Use the data catalog with the data lake to store your metadata. Specify granular permissions, build flexible SQL queries or python scripts to merge new data, update existing rows, and perform targeted deletes. Rewrite data files for read performance, or use delete deltas for faster updates.

Auto Spatial Indexing

Build spatial indexes as data is ingested. Choose your geoindex such as R-Tree, Geohash, and more, to automatically index your data so you can quickly search for records when you need them.

See it in Action



Consumption-Based Pricing

With Eugo's usage-based pay-as-you-go pricing, you're only billed for what you use. Whether you're a startup, a medium-sized business, or an enterprise, our serverless model scales seamlessly to accommodate evolving data storage and compute requirements.

Eugo Data Storage

Leverage cost-effective cloud-native optimized compression in Eugo to store near unlimited amounts of geospatial data

Eugo Compute

Compute resources spin up and down automatically, so you only pay for what you use

Eugo Data Transfer

Transfer analysis-ready data off of Eugo to leverage other great tools in the geospatial ecosystem

Unlimited Compute
Unlimited Storage
Unlimited Users
Unlimited Workspaces
Unlimited Integrations
Unlimited Support